Lingeri-E-course part two Fabrics & Components 'How to design and refine your first lingerie collection'

When it comes to lingerie, choosing the right fabrics and materials is EVERYTHING. But with so many options, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. You will be shown the fabric and component requirements to design (and make) your lingerie.

Part two of the Lingeri-E-Course ‘How to design and refine your first lingerie collection’ which takes you through lingerie design from start to finish. Part two Fabrics and Components will show you all you need to know about different bra parts and what to look for and tips on how to sew the fabrics or components you choose. You can either follow this course from number one as they are set in order of learning lingerie design or you can pick and choose which part of the course you would like to learn more about.

Why You Need This Course

Fabrics are the foundation of countless creations, but the truth is many people don’t fully understand their characteristics, quality, or potential. Imagine knowing exactly which lingerie fabric works best to create stunning, long-lasting pieces with confidence.

This e-course offers step-by-step lessons that are perfect for beginners but also rich enough for seasoned professionals who want to deepen their knowledge.

You will master fabric selection, with tips about sewing and also look at all components for the bra including the unsung hero of elastics.

The course consists of a 70 page booklet and detailed videos, it’s £75 and currently on presale for £60 and your course will be delivered to you on the 23rd November.


Don't Leavers (lace) alone


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